Claudine N Conetta-Gratti (!1971 Jun 7) mylife   was born in 1971, live in Mount Carmel, PA from 2000 to 2004, lived in Marion Heights, PA from 2005 to 2009. Is related to Kristie Woodward, who is 42 years old and lives in Ashland, PA, to Bernard Tostanowski, who is 44 years old and lives in Mount Carmel, PA, to Bernard Tostanowski, who is 69 years old and lives in Mount Carmel, PA, to Michelle Tostanowski, who is 43 years old and lives in Noxen, PA, to Michelle Marquardt, who is 39 years old and lives in Mount Carmel, PA. facebook Urodzona: 7 czerwca 1971. Uczęszczała do: Mount Carmel High School '89, Pracodawca: Shamokin Hospital