Michelle Lee Long (1968) mylife was born in 1968, lives in Noxen, PA, lived in North Charleston, SC from 1997 to 2005, lived in Mount Carmel, PA from 2000 to 2005. Is related to Anthony Tostanowski, who is 21 years old and lives in Noxen, PA, to Bernard Tostanowski, to Bernard Tostanowski, who is 69 years old and lives in Mount Carmel, PA, to Bernard Tostanowski, who is 44 years old and lives in Mount Carmel, PA, to James Long, who is 42 years old and lives in Pittsburgh, PA. facebook W związku małżeńskim z użytkownikiem David Hig od 7 czerwca 2007. Studiowała „Wildlife Conservation” na: College of Charleston